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Five O’Clock – A NEW CD –
You will be able to get a digital download
here on my website! Just visit my facebook page, LIKE it,
and I’ll give details so you can come back to get it!
CD’s will also be made available for
This set of songs is a little departure (musically)
from the freshman release, Until I Hear You. I grew
up singing awesome worship songs that seemed to fit a specific
genre of music. I thought I needed to live there musically.
So… when I began writing songs outside of that box,
I didn’t know if I should sing them. However, God made
it clear that I should be who He made me to be, and sing the
songs in the style that came from the very depths of me. Danny
Donnelly helped me live there musically and the result is
Retro Soul.
These songs are very personal to me, as I wrote
the lyrics and music (Danny contributed to rewriting some
of the musical parts and helped switch around some lyrics.
My husband was my sounding board for some of the lyrical rewrites,
too!). The messages of every song hit me first. I hope that
the very intimate conversations I had with God and the response
in writing these songs translates into your own conversations
with the ONE who loves you, is calling you BY NAME, and wants
you to RUN and DO with what He’s put in your hands.
Do you have a gift, talent, and ability that He’s given
you? Use it! - Do it! as you WALK with Him.
Keep your heart soft to the people around you
(forgive quickly, don’t resent): enemies, loved ones
(yes- your husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters),
friends, church family, co-workers! For a hard heart is not
a hard heart towards the people around you, it is a hard heart
towards God. Follow after Jesus with purpose! Don’t
meander… He doesn’t disappoint if you JUST
TRUST GOD NO MATTER WHAT the circumstances
look like. Trust that His Spirit will lead, guide, and comfort
you with every step through the depths of every valley and
heights of every mountain.
Much love, happy listening, and singing along!