I grew up as a pastor’s kid. My brothers
and I led worship with my mom from a young age. When I went
away to college, I was self-righteous and prideful as I had
been a very likeable, successful, and moral person who shared
my faith freely.
However, it is true that pride comes before
the fall. I became a prodigal as I lost my way and relationship
with God. I remember thinking I wanted to get back to Jesus,
but didn’t know how. I felt as though I was grasping
for the wind. It was almost six years later and many prayers
to God by my mom that I began reading my Bible and really
sought to know God again. It was then that I began to take
hold and grasp Jesus, WHO He is, and the desperate need we
have for a Savior. I had always believed, but I was such a
“good church going and moral” person, that I didn’t
grasp Salvation as I do today.
As a pastor’s kid, I was exposed to a
360° view of the church and THE Church. I am completely
aware of the concept of wolves and sheep, and wolves in sheep’s
clothing. After I got married and as I returned to a walk
with God, I had determined to stay away from ministry because
I understood ministry to be a detriment to marriage and families.
After a night of singing alone in my home with just my husband
and I, I heard in the depths of my heart that this is what
God was calling me to do. “Lord, if I do this, it will
destroy my marriage.” He spoke clearly to my heart,
“If you honor me in this, I will honor you in your marriage.”
That is when my husband and I committed to Jesus that we would
worship Him and lead others to do so when He gave us the opportunity.
I attempted to run a marathon a few years ago,
but quit when I couldn’t run more than 10 miles without
serious pain. I decided to run a half-marathon in order to
raise awareness and money for a medical clinic we are opening
with FACE of Harvest. As a new runner, I have learned that
being a runner means you grapple with constant injuries and
pain, extended days of rest when you want to run, and having
to run when you want to rest. If I choose to stop running
altogether, I won’t experience the pains of running.
However, if I am to be a runner, I cannot QUIT running. There
is a point on a long run where a sort of euphoric feeling
comes over you and you think you can run forever. Then comes
the point where you think you can’t go another step,
when the body shuts down, you can’t turn it back on.
However, to be a runner, you still have to run.
I see my walk with Jesus in the same way. If
we are Christians, we are going go run this race with endurance.
We cannot just decide to stop running. The circumstances that
come about as a result of following Jesus: good or bad, gain
or loss, life or death, heartbreak or healing, emotional injury
and sometimes physical injury – these should not have
a bearing on whether we trust God or NOT, nor whether we run
or stop running. God is the ONLY one we CAN trust and He is
definitely worthy of that honor in our lives. This is what
I have learned being surrendered to Him is dependent upon.
There is a point where you think can run your spiritual race
forever but then comes a point where you feel you can’t
run anymore. This is when we know we are moving in our own
strength but we MUST draw on the strength of God’s Spirit
and not our own. He is teaching us to trust Him. If we trust
in God and wait upon Him and we DON’T QUIT, He will
give us HIS strength. We will NEVER “weary in doing
In the same way, as Christians we’ll
experience joy and pain inside and outside the doors of a
church building. However, there is a REMNANT of believers
who are surrendered and are running this race with endurance.
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling…
let’s you and I be that Remnant: those surrendered faithful
souls that God looks to and fro to find on this earth. Let’s
respond to His Love, His Call on our lives, and we will be
THE CHURCH: His hands and feet in this world. The task could
be just going to work each day and being open to make the
most of every opportunity in that day or traveling half-way
across the world to help the remnant open a clinic in a small
Jesus gave the example of the shepherd going
out to find the ONE lost sheep and leaving the 99. Let’s
go find the lost sheep. They, too, are the remnant that will
be His hands and feet. They are in your sphere and mine. RUN.
The song "Only You, Jesus."
A lot happened before, during, and after writing
this song. I was sitting at the piano and asking the Lord
for a song that I could worship Him with... a chorus I could
sit there and sing over and over. I had been reading John
6:53-69- Jesus had just finished telling the crowd that they
needed to eat of his flesh and drink of His blood. We now
understand He was making a point. When the crowds and Jesus'
disciples turned away because it was "too hard a teaching",
Jesus turned to the 12 Disciples who were still there and
asked if they were going to leave too. Simon Peter's response
was so beautiful, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have
the words of eternal life! We believe and know that you are
the Holy One of God."
It's true. Where can we go?
...BUT TO THE only one who really knows about life and death,
who really loved us enough to give up His own life for ours.
The very day I wrote this song, my 4-year old
niece faced death by the ropes of the window blinds. She said,
"Jesus made me think. He didn't want me to die. He said,
"Rope around your neck, rope around your neck!"
and so I took it off." My little niece, Selah, would
carry the scars of that incident for awhile, but she knew
that Jesus had saved her. The day after that incident, my
mother, her grandmother, caught her alone in her room, on
her knees, praying out loud, saying, "Jesus, thank you
for saving my life, thank you for saving my life." Dear
ones, I do believe she saw Jesus that day.
That very week, my friend, Brigitta was going
into surgery to have a brain tumor removed. We prayed, and
God brought her through the surgery. She is still battling
cancer but we are seeing little miracles in her life and progress.
When it seems that things aren't going our way in terms of
results, the question remains, "Lord, who else can we
turn to? Who else has the words of life?"
This song is very close to me as I love these
two individuals very much. We can worship God through our
joys and our trials. There is no where else to run. When we
do praise Him and worship Him through all circumstances, you
can feel Him carrying you. I can't explain it outside of that...
you need to walk through it yourself to completely understand.
Surrender to Him today... only then, can you know, 'it's ONLY
YOU, Jesus'. I pray the song blesses your heart and gives
you a song to sing!
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